Shark Stigmatization

The big misunderstood

It is a fact that sharks aren’t recognized as cute and pretty animals, but it’s also a fact that they are really underestimated and hated due to wrong ideas and stereotypes.

Research Question 1

Why do people consider sharks scary?

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It is obvious that many people consider sharks scary, dangerous, awful among many other things. And it is due to many movies, videos, news, and sometimes books. Today I’m going to show you the reality of these stereotypes.

First you need to know how I got to these breve conclusions, I made some surveys in all 4th grade and I got to this. I first asked: Do you think sharks are dangerous? Most of the people in each classroom said: Yes. I also questioned the people who said No, why did they say No? and they didn’t know what to answer. Also asked how they learned or understood that sharks were dangerous? and most said Movies, Videos, or News. I even asked how many people do you think a shark kills each year? I gave 4 possible options: 20,100, 5, or 400. Most answered 400 but the correct answer is 5.

After the surveys, I realized my prediction was correct. Most people have a really messed up idea about sharks so I did a research and I found out the thing that made people wrong about sharks was Jaws the famous movie. And fake videos and news that don’t tell the whole story.

In conclusion, I noticed that many people have a wrong idea about sharks, which is causing them to lose interest in saving them.

Research Question 2

How does wrong practices makes sharks behavior dangerous

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Today I am going to talk about the different actions that some people do to attract tourists or to win extra money that puts you in danger and I am going to specify on “sharks”. It is important to take care of everyone even if it is for work, a friendly plan, etc. But put at risk the life of someone without them knowing the dangers of what you are doing or what you have planned.

First, you need to know that it is more probable that you die from a cow attack than from a shark attack, so a shark attack is really odd. An action that is dangerous for us if a shark is near, is when someone attracts a shark with a dead fish or a dead animal. That is really dangerous for us because blood makes sharks hyperactive and dangerous for any living being. In the movie Finding Nemo, there is a shark called Bruce that smells blood and goes hyperactive and crazy.

Many magazines only say “Girl attacked by shark”  but they don’t tell the whole story!

In some cases, the irresponsible actions that people do to provoke shark attacks aren’t told because showing sharks as monsters has more impact on people. Humans aren’t part of shark’s basic menu.

In conclusion, wrong practices make sharks a threat to us in some specific cases. Remember never join a plan that provokes sharks, because it might be dangerous for you and others.