Shark endangerment

The situation

Some people haven’t seen the situation where sharks are living and let me tell you it is not good at all because they are living in a number crisis.They are dying faster than they can reproduce.

Research Question 1

Why are sharks endangered?

Keep on reading


Many people haven’t seen the humongous problem of shark extinction. Due to the lack of  love and interest in saving sharks. And all of these problems are caused by us and our irresponsible conduct. And our demanding requests for exotic and new things.

First, you need to comprehend the size of this problem that could affect our lives and our planet if we don’t start to take action and consciousness. This problem is the extinction of sharks. Sharks are the guardians of our oceans because they keep in the limit of each species and prevent massive consequences for the ocean. 

All of this problem is done by fishermen who don’t follow laws or simply fish a lot of sharks for fins, teeth, cartilage, oil, etc. And it is making the shark population decrease each second. When you finish reading this 190  sharks will die. Because people kill sharks faster than they can reproduce and it is constantly happening.

In conclusion, we have to take action and start erasing misinformation everywhere. To make people aware of this huge problem in the whole world that could have massive repercussions on the environment.

Research Question 2

What can you do to help?

Keep on reading


It is a fact that sharks are at risk of extinction. Many people aren’t aware of it. But if you want to help your planet and the oceans. Protecting sharks is the best solution. Because they play a really important role in the ocean,

I will talk more about their importance in the Importance of sharks RQ2.

But their number has been decreasing in the past 30 to 40 years and it is a problem that needs to be fixed

First, it is important for you to understand that shark extinction is a terrible problem that would affect everyone globally. So the need for help is humongous. Sharks are an unwanted species but they play a role that you can’t even imagine. And there are many things you can do to contribute to this global issue.

  •  Support a foundation or make your own.
  • Volunteer in shark conservation organizations
  • Spread awareness on social media
  • Go dive with shark
  • Don’t buy shark products
  • Try to make your friends and family aware of this problem and try to erase any stereotypes about shark.
  • Buy an adoption certificate (provided by Oceana) and buy merchandise in .

In conclusion, there is a massive problem and it needs to be fixed. And there are lots of things to do to help so WHAT ARE YOU WAITING TO HELP!