Akhelios: A PYP project

What is a PYP project?

The PYP project is an opportunity that kids have to contribute to the solution of a problem that has an approach to the Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations.
The selection of the problem is related to the kid’s interests. In Akhelios project the interest was the disinformation about sharks.


We have posted some interviews with important people in the shark world.


We help all applicants who would like to become certified divers and instructors to achieve the best results.


Get away from daily routine and join us in a tour to the most amazing exotic places around the world.


If you haven’t decided which course to take or what tour to book, you can use our full service list to choose.

Coming soon

We provide the best diving rental services, and including professional cources with modern and secure gear.

Recent Blog Posts

My connection with sharks

My Love To Sharks started When I Was a Little Boy It Grew When The Years Passed. My Love to them was unimaginable.

My connection with sharks

Humans: The True Menace

Since I was little, I have been interested in everything related to sharks.

Humans: The True Menace

meet our dream team

Emilio Ramírez T.

Fourth grade student at The English School in Bogotá. I like to draw, enjoy tasty food, and have a great love for sharks.
Emilio Ramírez T.

Susan Tapias H.

Mother of Emilio
I am a proud mom. Currently, I’m supporting Emilio with Akhelios, serving as a guide and showing him the different paths he can take.
Susan Tapias H.

Federico Ramírez F.

Father of Emilio
Emilio has been my partner for many activities I do. Now is my turn to correspond to his cause. Join us in this magnificent trip.
Federico Ramírez F.

What people says

I am glad to be part of this idea! Being an experienced diver, watching kids get interested in this topics full me of joy.

Nicolas Filauri
Nicolas FilauriGaia Scuba

Join us on this beautiful journey with Emilio and his idea of helping sharks.

Susan Tapias H.
Susan Tapias H.Mother of Emilio

Seeing how Emilio created his project and the various pieces of communication fills me with happiness.

Federico Ramírez F
Federico RamírezFather of Emilio

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